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Article I – Name and Purpose and Objectives:


West Wisconsin Dressage Association, Inc. (WWDA also known as “the organization” or “the association”) is a 501( C)3 non-profit organization with the purpose of furthering the development and practice of dressage in the local area, stimulating interest in dressage and educating its members and people in general as to the benefits of dressage to the horse and rider.


The goals of WWDA are:


1. To improve the general understanding of dressage through educational clinics, forums, seminars, shows, and to promote those and other activities to effect this goal.


2. To offer scholarships to members who participate in clinics to further their education and riding and provide access to educational materials and to sponsor dressage educational activities including access to shows. To do this WWDA relies on volunteers. Members are expected to volunteer within the organization.


Article II – Membership and Dues:


Membership in this organization shall be composed of persons that are in agreement with the purpose and objectives of WWDA; have been approved by the Board of Directors; have paid the required dues and fees. Classification and membership dues shall be set by the Board of Directors annually. A supporting member of WWDA follows the definition of USDF junior members and those adults living in the same household/residence.


Article III – Meetings:


A general business meeting of the total membership shall be held quarterly. The annual meeting shall be held in November and count as one of those quarterly meetings. At the Annual Meeting, those members attending shall elect a president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary/historian. The board of directors will also be elected at the annual meeting. At the annual meeting, the president shall report on the activities of the organization, the vice president on membership status, and the treasurer on the association’s financial status. At the annual meeting, a calendar setting meeting dates shall be adopted. At the annual meeting, members present may raise, address and/or take action on any item of business appropriate for the association’s consideration. Quorum will consist of a simple majority of those present at the time of a vote. The president, who will chair the meetings, may not vote unless there is a tie. Notice of meetings must be sent by written or electronic notice stating the day, date, time and place of the meeting, which must be sent to each member of the association at least 10 days prior to the a meeting. Meetings may also be noticed on Facebook or WWDA’s website, but members must also receive written or email notice. A copy of the minutes of the Board of Directors’ meeting shall be provided to the general membership prior to the next meeting of the general membership and/or included in WWDA’s newsletter. Minutes from the general membership meetings shall be provided to all members including the Board of Directors prior to the next meeting of the board and of the next meeting of the general membership and be included in the WWDA newsletter or posted on the organization’s website. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all business meetings of the association.


Article IV- Board of Directors:


Section 1: The Board of Directors shall consist of the president, the vice president, treasurer, secretary and three members at large elected at the annual meeting. All board of directors and officers must be 18 or older. At the annual meeting, those members attending 18 and older shall elect a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and board of directors.


Section 2: Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at minimum four times per year on a day, date and location set by the board at least 15 days prior to each meeting. Meetings must be posted on the organization’s website or emailed to each member of the organization. Special meetings may be called when deemed necessary by the president. A 10 day written notice is required. A simple majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum. Members are welcome at all meetings of the board of directors. Agendas shall be prepared by the president, vice president, treasurer or secretary/historian. A majority of members of the board holding office shall constitute a quorum. Meetings of the board of directors shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.


Section 3: It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to conduct all business of the association between meetings of the membership. The Board of Directors shall expend those funds deemed necessary to carry on the activities of the association. At the discretion of a majority of board members meetings may be called via electronic means or via telephone.


Section 4: The Board of Directors shall determine membership fees and classifications of memberships. Each director is expected to serve on at least one Standing Committee of the association. The Board of Directors as a whole acts as the Scholarship Committee.


Section 5: Any director or officer may be removed from the board for non-performance of duties including misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance by a two-thirds majority of the remaining directors. In the event of a death, resignation or removal of a director his/her successor shall be elected from the then current roster of active/paid members, by a majority vote of a quorum of the board of directors. Any board member missing three meetings in any fiscal year shall be presumptively removed from the board and the position filled by a majority vote of the remaining board members who may select and appoint any WWDA member in good standing to fill the unexpired term of the removed board member.


Section 6: Compensation: No Director, officer, or general member shall receive compensation as a member of WWDA. They may seek reimbursement for actual or direct expenses incurred in the performance of their duties when those expenses are approved by a two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors. No officer (president, vice president, secretary/historian, treasurer) shall simultaneously hold more than one office.


Section 7: Conflicts of Interest: If a matter comes before the Board of Directors that directly or indirectly affects any sitting member of the board, that member has the duty to disclose the potential conflict, to refrain from voting on any such matter. If a conflict of interest is so noted, the conflicted board member shall excuse herself/himself from any portion of any meeting where action related to the matter covered by the conflict is considered by the remaining members of the board.


Article V: Officers and their duties:


Section 1: The officers of the association shall be president, vice president, treasurer and secretary/historian.


Section 2: President’s duties. The president shall preside at all meetings of the members and at all meetings of the board of directors. Act as a representative of the association. The president shall serve in an ex-officio position on both the education and fundraising committees.


Section 3: The Vice President duties: To oversee membership and in the absence or incapacity of the president, perform all duties and functions of the office of the president. The vice president shall chair the education committee at the initial meeting of the Education Committee. The Education Committee at the first meeting shall elect a chair from the group.


Section 4: Treasurer duties: Handle all funds received and paid out by the association, maintain funds in a bank approved by the Board of Directors, maintain a complete record of business transactions, prepare and file any necessary tax documents. The treasurer shall provide a treasurer’s report for the Board of Directors’ meetings and for the general membership meetings and be published in the WWDA newsletter or on WWDA’s website. The treasurer shall chair the initial meeting of the Fundraising Committee. The Fundraising Committee at the first meeting shall elect a chair from the group.


Sections 5: Secretary/historian duties: Take minutes of all meetings of the association and board of directors, take attendance at board of director meetings, attend to other matters pertaining to meeting procedures, attend to all correspondence of the association, prepare, receive and count ballots for election of officers, board of directors, show manager; amendments to bylaws and other ballots designated by the board of directors. The historian will keep a photo album and records of WWDA members at shows, clinics, events and year end awards which could include an electronic album and records. Club roster, club newsletters and show programs will be collected over the course of the year and placed into the record which could include an electronic record. The secretary shall be responsible for updating all club forms including membership, scholarship and clinic forms.


Section 6: Each officer at the expiration of his/her term or in the case of resignation, shall transfer all records pertaining to the office to the succeeding officer within two weeks.


Article VI – Show manager and show secretary:


The show manager shall be in charge of organizing and coordinating any shows sponsored by WWDA. The show manager and show secretary are responsible for making decisions as needed. The show manager is elected by a majority of the Board of Directors. The Show Secretary shall be appointed by a majority of the board of directors and shall assist the show manager in organizing and coordinating all shows. The goal of the show(s) is to raise funds to further the educational mission of the organization as well as provide educational opportunities for dressage riders. The Show Manager and Secretary may also serve as elected officers or elected at-large board members and on any committee(s) they wish. Article VII – Webmaster: The webmaster is charged with keeping the WWDA website up to date and informative including adding upcoming events, updated reports submitted by members on past events and any pertinent photographs. The position is appointed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Webmaster will also post policies, upcoming clinics as well as minutes and happenings with members. The Webmaster is also responsible to update WWDA’s Facebook page and is encouraged to allow more members administrative access to the Facebook page to allow for greater sharing of club member activities. The Webmaster has the right to immediately delete any posting from Facebook or the WWDA website or forum that she/he determines is inappropriate. If a member disagrees with the decision to remove a posting, the Board of Directors will have the final say. The Webmaster should not hold any other elected officer position, but may be an at-large elected Board of Director or serve on any committee(s).


Article VIII – Committees of the Association: 


Section 1: Standing Committees: There shall be two standing committees of the association: Fundraising and Education Committees. The Fundraising Committee is charged with raising funds to further the educational goals of the organization. Up to seven members may volunteer for the committee from the general membership of the association. Members will be named at the annual meeting from those who express interest. The Education Committee is charged with developing educational programs for the general membership of WWDA. Up to seven members may volunteer for the committee from the general members of the association. Both the fundraising committee and education committee must have approval of events from a majority of the Board of Directors and follow budget guidelines set by the Board of Directors. The chairs of these committees must be 18 or older.


Section 2: Ad hoc committees: May be set up by the Board of Directors at any time by a simple majority vote on an as needed basis.


Article IX – Amendments: 


Section 1: Amendments to By-Laws: These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors at any meeting provided that notice of the proposed amendment(s) have been given in the notice of the meeting. 


Section 2: Limitation on Amending Power of the Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall not make or alter any bylaw fixing their number, qualifications or term of office. Amendments on members, their qualifications or term of office shall be considered only at a validly called annual or special meeting of the association membership. Changes must be made by two-thirds of those attending the meeting. Article X;


Statement on equal opportunities:


Section 1: WWDA is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs and facilities without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation.


Article XI – Dissolution:


Section 1: Upon dissolution of the corporation, the Board of Directors shall after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities of the organization dispose of all the assets to either the United States Dressage Federation or to such an organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable or educational purposes.

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